For Nannies

Our Nannies LOVE Their Jobs! Come Be Part of Our Family!
To Serve With Love Babysitting and Nanny Service is dedicated to recruiting and placing the best nannies in the area. We are committed to finding each nanny the best family fit. The nannies that we represent are qualified, have outstanding references, and are passionate about working with children. We get to know you so that we can personally match you with the perfect job! If that sounds like you, join us!
Let Us Get to Know You
All candidates go through our rigorous screening process to be considered for representation. After reviewing your resume to determine if you may be a potential candidate for representation, we will
invite you in for a face-to-face interview to learn more about you, your background, and what you are looking for in a family and position.
We’ll Complete a Reference Check
After a successful interview, we will check your references to confirm that you are just as fantastic as we think you are! Then the journey to finding you the perfect fit will begin.
We’ll Match You With Assignments
Based on your specific criteria, we match you with families who are looking for someone like just you. Once we have found you a potential position, we will submit your nanny profile to be reviewed by the
We Schedule Interviews For You
We will coordinate and schedule interviews with any families that want to meet you. We will provide you with helpful tips to be successful in the interview process! After the interview, we follow up with both you and the family for feedback.
We Walk You Through the Hiring Process
Congratulations! A family would like to hire you! To Serve With Love Babysitting and Nanny Service will negotiate your salary, define the terms of your employment, and coordinate your contract and hiring
details to ensure you can get started and acclimated with your new family quickly.
We Provide On-Going Support
Once you’re hired, you’re not alone. We are here to answer any questions you may have and will check in periodically to see how things are going, inform you of nanny-related educational opportunities, and
invite you to relevant professional development events.